Tours Peregrinos Mexico | Experience Faith Through The Culture Of Mexico
Our Pilgrimages

Every detail, every location, every aspect is perfectly researched and curated to provide the most profound religious experience possible, each client individually find new meaning to their faith.
Having been wholly moved by my own experience, sharing this enlightenment with others has now become my life's work. Conscious of my own faith and devotion, I started yearning for more, a deeper sensation and a better understanding of my own belief.
Tours Peregrinos Mexico is that meaning, my inspiration of faith, understanding that my purpose is to share with the world what I experienced on my "walk along the shore".
Our pilgrimages and religious retreats were developed from first hand experiences, experiences that truly invigorated my life and the lives of my team, I would like to say that our pilgrimages not only amplifies but also renews faith, devotion and provides a look into the history of Mexico in its faith all at the same time.

Historically, Christianity is the predominant religion in Mexico established in the early 16th Century. Catholics and Christ based faith occupies about 78% of the countries beliefs.
Although Christianity has been widely adapted in every corner of Mexico, the people of Mexico embrace Christianity while keeping their culture alive through all aspects of its faith, practicing local tradition while revering the Church as its true nature.
Spanish colonists brought Christianity to Mexico while on expedition, introducing faith to the locals between 1519 and 1521. Missionaries known as the 12 Franciscan Missionaries arrived in 1531 to teach the glory to the local population.
Since then, Mexico has been a place of miracles, faith so rooted and devotion so dedicated that the people have had truly miraculous experiences since the beginning. Justly so that in 1531, a mere 12 years after the introduction of Christianity to Mexico, the Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego, a native man, near the sanctuary of the goddess Tonantzin, the aztec word roughly translating as "Our Mother".
Today the Lady of Guadalupe is the patron saint of the nation, with millions of people dedicated to the miracle and the 12 roses presented by Juan Diego as proof of her appearance to him on December 12th, 1531.
Multiple Basilicas dedicated to the Lady of Guadalupe or as we know her, the Virgin Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Basilicas of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City is the world's most visited Catholic shrine and the 3rd most visited sacred site on the plant.

Our Pilgrimages in Mexico | Pilgrimages to Mexico | Religious Retreats in Mexico | Catholic Pilgrimages to Mexico | Group Pilgrimages to Mexico | Private Pilgrimages in Mexico | English Speaking Pilgrimages in Mexico